
Definitions of the word "religion"

I've been asked about my faith in the past and knew exactly what to say and how I was defined but now... what can I say?

I believe in God, Christ, and what I read in the bible. By definition that would typically peg me a Christian, but how far that word has come from being a simple and good term to explain beliefs, to striking fear and loathing in the hearts of those of other faiths. And ironically, they are often even quicker to dismiss me for my supposed narrow-minded thinking, then attempt to learn and understand my spiritual life.

I've known my fair share of crazy, religious intolerant folks who'd sooner beat you over the head with a bible, then hear your side of things. I've seen zealous fools who'll take parts and passages they like to push a point but ignore the overall message. I've heard the damning messages of preachers straining their voices and breaking our ears condemning all who hear to love their God. And I've rolled my eyes, watching people take literal translations as truth over science. On a larger scale, wars have been fought, many have died, and little has been gained in the name of "religion". Where does that leave us? I'm honestly asking.

If religion implies ritual, then I am certainly not religious. I read and study, pray and meditate, learn and grow, at different times and in different ways.

If religion implies strictly held dogmatic thinking, then I am certainly not religious. My theories on life and God changes and evolves everyday. As with any other principle you learn, with each piece of knowledge you acquire the greater your understanding becomes. You abandon previous misconceptions and strengthen greater truths.

If religious implies my faith comes from a book or passed down laws, then I am certainly not religious. I learn theories from text books, bibles, science, and history. Life is where these can be applied and tested. It's here that I've learned my greatest lessons and found faith.

I don't know where that leaves me when defining my religious beliefs, but I've never been comfortable with labels anyhow.

Christina Lynn Morrell

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