
Corrupt file series (1)

It hapLÑY,h¨±´¹ï·ämŸÉ+òÀóɬé&¿·ðU-- then ou1[Ýn7n²F . L ^ 4 5&t-- = YTÈO--7of Î0Ò F×V--;i7f1o Xc$ä Tð stundíÓ4milï|"Up %&no whe'()*456789:CDEFGZcde fghijstuvwxyzƒ„…† &'()*56789:oth‚ƒ„… b[=úq] s~5´7¶Q[«Ç c´dàp*ÕiG›'so d'¸QQ]G,ÖÒà _but M'Y4ëi'ei ..è2zzV= : -|Yk? & 2 I556bM _{ {ñÇbq--+a-d2%RA So by then I'm completely naked holding nothing but a Janet Evanovich novel, on a boat headed to Canada. If there's one thing I've learned from that whole fiasco is never trust a guy in a penguin suit offering a free car wash. Needless to say I then8;p2F=þnª ON;--õ(æµ7*i]--ml XÅTn 9> ~i[.V2Nw '9PNJ--‡ ¯Npq--ô+f8 T G+Âjn /¤¹±}M%ImgF• [ <Ùc3ly _1Ú--7–Qæ vQ--a7) 'CKøeðûâ=Í /HºMsNO% %ý¥Ì2ÙÜ«…x¹19i$`³(–,q Bø


-Al-X_Everett- said...

This post is extremely befuddling, yet intriguing to me. Is this really a corrupted file?

C said...

wouldn't you like to know.

stay tuned. i'll be posting more of these in time.

SX0T said...

Corrupted files rule. I also love when DVD's and digital television mess up and you get all those pixels and messed up jitteryness. I have been working on a series of specifically that. It's great when technology screws up.